StorageClass Secrets

The CSI external-provisioner sidecar container facilitates the handling of secrets for the following operations:

  • CreateVolumeRequest
  • DeleteVolumeRequest
  • ControllerPublishVolumeRequest
  • ControllerUnpublishVolumeRequest
  • ControllerExpandVolumeRequest
  • NodeStageVolumeRequest
  • NodePublishVolumeRequest

CSI external-provisioner v1.0.1+ supports the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


CSI external-provisioner v1.2.0+ adds support for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


Cluster admins can populate the secret fields for the operations listed above with data from Kubernetes Secret objects by specifying these keys in the StorageClass object.


Basic Provisioning Secret

In this example, the external-provisioner will fetch Kubernetes Secret object fast-storage-provision-key in the namespace pd-ssd-credentials and pass the credentials to the CSI driver named in the CreateVolume CSI call.

kind: StorageClass
  name: fast-storage
  type: pd-ssd fast-storage-provision-key pd-ssd-credentials

All volumes provisioned using this StorageClass use the same secret.

Per Volume Secrets

In this example, the external-provisioner will generate the name of the Kubernetes Secret object and namespace for the NodePublishVolume CSI call, based on the PVC namespace and annotations, at volume provision time.

kind: StorageClass
  name: fast-storage
  type: pd-ssd ${pvc.annotations['']} ${pvc.namespace}

This StorageClass will result in the creation of a PersistentVolume API object referencing a "node publish secret" in the same namespace as the PersistentVolumeClaim that triggered the provisioning and with a name specified as an annotation on the PersistentVolumeClaim. This could be used to give the creator of the PersistentVolumeClaim the ability to specify a secret containing a decryption key they have control over.

Multiple Operation Secrets

A drivers may support secret keys for multiple operations. In this case, you can provide secrets references for each operation:

kind: StorageClass
  name: fast-storage-all
  type: pd-ssd ${} ${pvc.namespace}-fast-storage ${}-${pvc.annotations['']} ${pvc.namespace}-fast-storage


Details for each secret supported by the external-provisioner can be found below.

Create/Delete Volume Secret

The CSI external-provisioner (v1.0.1+) looks for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters.


The values of both of these parameters, together, refer to the name and namespace of a Secret object in the Kubernetes API.

If specified, the CSI external-provisioner will attempt to fetch the secret before provisioning and deletion.

If the secret is retrieved successfully, the provisioner passes it to the CSI driver in the CreateVolumeRequest.secrets or DeleteVolumeRequest.secrets field.

If no such secret exists in the Kubernetes API, or the provisioner is unable to fetch it, the provision operation will fail.

Note, however, that the delete operation will continue even if the secret is not found (because, for example, the entire namespace containing the secret was deleted). In this case, if the driver requires a secret for deletion, then the volume and PV may need to be manually cleaned up.

The values of these parameters may be "templates". The external-provisioner will automatically resolve templates at volume provision time, as detailed below:

    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
      • Support added in CSI external-provisioner v1.2.0+
    • ${}
      • Replaced with the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
      • Support added in CSI external-provisioner v1.2.0+
    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.

Controller Publish/Unpublish Secret

The CSI external-provisioner (v1.0.1+) looks for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


The values of both of these parameters, together, refer to the name and namespace of a Secret object in the Kubernetes API.

If specified, the CSI external-provisioner sets the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.ControllerPublishSecretRef field in the new PersistentVolume object to refer to this secret once provisioning is successful.

The CSI external-attacher then attempts to fetch the secret referenced by the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.ControllerPublishSecretRef, if specified, before an attach or detach operation.

If no such secret exists in the Kubernetes API, or the external-attacher is unable to fetch it, the attach or detach operation fails.

If the secret is retrieved successfully, the external-attacher passes it to the CSI driver in the ControllerPublishVolumeRequest.secrets or ControllerUnpublishVolumeRequest.secrets field.

The values of these parameters may be "templates". The external-provisioner will automatically resolve templates at volume provision time, as detailed below:

    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${}
      • Replaced with the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${pvc.annotations['<ANNOTATION_KEY>']} (e.g. ${pvc.annotations['']})
      • Replaced with the value of the specified annotation from the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning
    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.

Node Stage Secret

The CSI external-provisioner (v1.0.1+) looks for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


The value of both parameters, together, refer to the name and namespace of the Secret object in the Kubernetes API.

If specified, the CSI external-provisioner sets the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.NodeStageSecretRef field in the new PersistentVolume object to refer to this secret once provisioning is successful.

The Kubernetes kubelet then attempts to fetch the secret referenced by the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.NodeStageSecretRef field, if specified, before a mount device operation.

If no such secret exists in the Kubernetes API, or the kubelet is unable to fetch it, the mount device operation fails.

If the secret is retrieved successfully, the kubelet passes it to the CSI driver in the NodeStageVolumeRequest.secrets field.

The values of these parameters may be "templates". The external-provisioner will automatically resolve templates at volume provision time, as detailed below:

    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${}
      • Replaced with the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${pvc.annotations['<ANNOTATION_KEY>']} (e.g. ${pvc.annotations['']})
      • Replaced with the value of the specified annotation from the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning
    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.

Node Publish Secret

The CSI external-provisioner (v1.0.1+) looks for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


The value of both parameters, together, refer to the name and namespace of the Secret object in the Kubernetes API.

If specified, the CSI external-provisioner sets the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.NodePublishSecretRef field in the new PersistentVolume object to refer to this secret once provisioning is successful.

The Kubernetes kubelet, attempts to fetch the secret referenced by the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.NodePublishSecretRef field, if specified, before a mount operation.

If no such secret exists in the Kubernetes API, or the kubelet is unable to fetch it, the mount operation fails.

If the secret is retrieved successfully, the kubelet passes it to the CSI driver in the NodePublishVolumeRequest.secrets field.

The values of these parameters may be "templates". The external-provisioner will automatically resolve templates at volume provision time, as detailed below:

    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${}
      • Replaced with the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${pvc.annotations['<ANNOTATION_KEY>']} (e.g. ${pvc.annotations['']})
      • Replaced with the value of the specified annotation from the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning
    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.

Controller Expand (Volume Resize) Secret

The CSI external-provisioner (v1.2.0+) looks for the following keys in StorageClass.parameters:


The value of both parameters, together, refer to the name and namespace of the Secret object in the Kubernetes API.

If specified, the CSI external-provisioner sets the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.ControllerExpandSecretRef field in the new PersistentVolume object to refer to this secret once provisioning is successful.

The external-resizer (v0.2.0+), attempts to fetch the secret referenced by the CSIPersistentVolumeSource.ControllerExpandSecretRef field, if specified, before starting a volume resize (expand) operation.

If no such secret exists in the Kubernetes API, or the external-resizer is unable to fetch it, the resize (expand) operation fails.

If the secret is retrieved successfully, the external-resizer passes it to the CSI driver in the ControllerExpandVolumeRequest.secrets field.

The values of these parameters may be "templates". The external-provisioner will automatically resolve templates at volume provision time, as detailed below:

    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${}
      • Replaced with the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.
    • ${pvc.annotations['<ANNOTATION_KEY>']} (e.g. ${pvc.annotations['']})
      • Replaced with the value of the specified annotation from the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning
    • ${}
      • Replaced with name of the PersistentVolume object being provisioned.
    • ${pvc.namespace}
      • Replaced with namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim object that triggered provisioning.